These are some questions that we frequently confront. We are always happy to explain what and how we do.
Globe InfoWire provides media monitoring, media coverage, media tracking and news aggregation services. We also do media research, analysis and reporting. We offer online newsletters in a reader friendly way on various industry verticals to include e-Governance, Banking and Financial Services, Insurance and Re-Insurance, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Home Loans and Mortgage, Rural India and Health Care etc. These newsletters are compiled with the latest industry news in different segments under various categories. Our newsletters carry the crux of all that has been reported about a particular sector in the media. The content is presented to allow for a quick look as well as in-depth reading.
Globe InfoWire addresses the need for industry-specific information through daily emailed Newsletters. Each newsletter is a collation of news-stories on a specific sector taken from various credible print and online sources that are updated on a regular basis and that reach out to the informed readers on a daily basis.
News Updates are emailed to individual ids of the subscribing corporates at the start of every business day, so there is no need to surf the net, struggle with a login id or spend precious time downloading information.
What are additional features of your newsletters?
Blog News Wire is a news blog where you can see news on various industry segments and can also comment on any news piece. The five year old archives are searchable and you can post your press releases here too. We also accept advertisements here. To view the Blog News Wire, plz click here.
Is there any limit to number of e-mail IDs within an organization or mobile phone numbers for SMS alerts?
There is no limit to the number of people in an organization to whom the newsletters can be circulated. Also we don’t impose any limit on number of mobile phones for SMS alerts.
Which are the new industry verticals, wherein you plan to launch new newsletters?
We are in process of launching newsletters on Automobiles, IT and Telecoms verticals.
Can we order for a customized / tailor-made newsletter on a new industry vertical or on two-three verticals combined?
Yes, you can order for a customized newsletter with industry vertical(s) of your choice with your instructed categories.
Apart from Media Monitoring Services, we also offer Market Research and Surveys, Social Media Monitoring, Competition Monitoring and Active SMS Alerts services. You can find details on these in our services section.
Our clients include prestigious names across various industry segments both in India and abroad. We serve Fortune 500 Companies, Public, Private and MNC Banks, Insurance Companies, NBFCs, e-Governance Companies, Real Estate and Infrastructure Developers, Home Loan and Mortgage Companies, Government Sector Insurance Companies, Stock Broking Companies, Asset Management Companies, Microfinance Companies, Mutual Funds and State Coordinating Agencies under Common Service Centre Programme (CSC) of Govt. of India etc.
We also serve some PR and advertising agencies, along with individual researchers who rely on us for their media monitoring needs
Which media sources do you monitor?
We monitor mainly Online media and Print media. We monitor close to 450+ news sources in India and abroad. This includes tracking of multiple editions of national business, mainline and regional language newspapers and magazines with a variety of genre. The web coverage comes ready to you from leading websites, blogs, financial portals, electronic edition of newspapers (e-paper) providing meaningful results to you. We also subscribe to various news source portals and we do not charge our clients for this. You can contact us for the exact list of media sources we monitor.
Media coverage can be delivered to clients in a wide range of formats; the readers can choose from formats such as open HTML, PDF, MS Word, HTML attachment etc.
Charges vary depending on how complex your requirements are; for standard newsletters the charges are very nominal. For customized newsletters, we provide quotations with full pricing once we understand your specific requirements.
How can we advertise with you? What benefit can we derive advertising with you?
There are three ways to advertise with us, you can advertise with us on our newsletters, which go to more than 5,000 officials in various industries as well as on the website, and our Blog News Wire which gets more than 2,500 hits every day. Many companies advertise with us and get enormous positive results as the readers of our newsletters are well educated and come from established names, you get right audience for your products and services. For more information click here.
Tell us something about your active SMS alert service.
Globe InfoWire provides users with breaking industry news through active SMS alerts, so that the subscribers remain always informed on the new market activities. These SMSs contain the URL link of the news so that the full news would open up on user’s Internet-enabled mobile phones. The news may be on new tenders, new rules, stock prices or anything of utmost interest of the users. As per the TRAI’s new regulations, SMSs cannot be sent on the numbers, which are listed on DNC or DND directories. To avail benefits of this service, listing on such directories should be removed.
How Competition Monitoring helps us?
Globe InfoWire monitors key competitors’ reputation, media coverage, and comparative success of the media relations programs. Our team can keep track of unlimited keywords on the online media. We can monitor Personal blogs, Electronic magazines, Employer and Employee blogs, Article websites, News / Media websites, Private blogs, Forums, Special interest sites, Top Blogs and Trade and Industry sites and forums, etc. Competition monitoring helps clients in following ways:
Please throw some more light on ‘Social Media Monitoring’. How it is useful to us?
Social media take on many different forms, including Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, micro blogging, wikis, podcasts, photographs or pictures, video, rating and social bookmarking. We run a full-fledged programme on social media monitoring, tracking corporate and brand mentions in blogs, message boards, online forums, Usenet news groups and other online social media sites. In addition, a fully-integrated media monitoring program also tracks online video sharing sites such as YouTube and micro-blogging services such as Twitter.
What kind of market research and survey services you offer?
In addition to media monitoring services we are well experienced in conducting many different types of marketing research, including all types of Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer research studies, advertising effectiveness, attitude & testing, marketing effectiveness, market segmentation, positioning and more.
We provide market research, direct marketing, surveys, consumer research, International Research, Corporate Interviewing, Door to Door Interviewing, Telephonic Interviewing, Web Interviewing, data collection & research, Data Entry & Processing, Market Analysis, Product Promotion Services to leading & reputed organizations in India and abroad also. No business sector or industry is beyond our reach.
We can help you design and execute the best marketing survey possible, taking into consideration which aspects of your marketing efforts are being measured, available contact information, market segment, market size and structure, available budget, etc.
What if after paying you, can we cancel the subscription?
You get a full refund if you cancel the subscription within 15 days. If you cancel afterwards, you get a pro-rata refund against unutilized period of subscription. However, no client has utilized this facility as yet.
Interested in our services, you can simply request us for an obligation free trial.