Globe Infowire offers following services :
We monitor close to 450+ news sources in India and abroad to make our Webazines / Newsletters on various industry verticals to include e-Governance, Banking and Financial Services, Insurance and Re-Insurance, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Home Loans, Mortgage, Rural India and Health Care etc. This includes tracking of multiple editions of national business, mainline and regional language newspapers and magazines with a variety of genre. The web coverage comes ready to you from leading websites, blogs, financial portals, electronic edition of newspapers (e-paper) providing meaningful results to you in a user friendly format of Webazines in a three tier architecture.
With a vast experience in this field, we have served and are continuously serving a mix of Indian and International companies across all sectors, including public relations, government sector companies, Banks and NGO's etc. that utilize our media monitoring services to gain competitive edge. To know more about our clients, please click here.
If you evaluate how much time it would take you to sort through newspapers, magazines, websites for all the news that is relevant to you related to your company, your clients, your competition, your industry and so on to compile a detailed report out of day's news. You will find, it takes very important and precious time of yours.
Our Webazines do this quickly, efficiently and let you concentrate and focus more on your core areas. We have been offering our clients with actionable intelligence further improving their ability to:
Our media monitoring program may also be designed to determine what is being said about an organization in the media. Originally covering just news media, most media monitoring programs now cover both news sources and social media.
By monitoring your organization's exposure in the media, you can gain key insights into your organization's reputation, consumers' perception of your products and services, and the effectiveness of your publicity or media relations programs. If your organization issues news releases, you can use our platform to reach out to numerous officials in various industry segments.
1. The readers can choose from a wide range of formats as open HTML, PDF, MS Word, HTML attachment etc as per their convenience.
2. Searching archives through our five year data is another advantage of subscribing to us. We maintain data across various industry segments in a very user friendly search function through ‘keyword’, ‘article’ or ‘vertical’. To visit our blog news wire please click here.
3. Readers can also view the Webazines online, which serve users as an online directory of all archived newsletters.
4. Globe InfoWire also provides users with breaking industry news through active SMS alerts, so that the subscribers remain always informed on the new market activities or any relevant tender etc. These SMSs contain the URL link of the news so that the full news would open up on user’s Internet-enabled mobile phones.
5. There is no limit to the number of people in an organization to whom the Webazines can be circulated. All employees of the organization get the latest industry news at the same time, helping in informed decision-making at every level, and you can also keep your key customers and suppliers updated with news relevant to your relationship.
6. You can post your press releases on our News Wire Blog under specific headings, for further details click here.
7. Our news briefs are deep-connected to news providers' websites and our model drives traffic to the original source providers’ websites.
8. You can also order for a customized Webazine / Newsletter with industry / industries of your choice with your instructed categories.
9. You can advertise with us on our newsletters, which go to more than 5,000 officials in various industries as well as on the website and / or News Wire Blog, which gets more than 2,500 hits every day. For more information click here.
10. No-Risk Offer, You get a full refund if you cancel the subscription within 15 days. If you cancel afterwards, you get a pro-rata refund against unutilized period of subscription. However, no client has utilized this facility as yet.
Interested, Please drop us an email with your profile and contact details, one of our team members would get in touch with you. Or you can simply request us for an obligation free trial.
In addition to media monitoring services Globe InfoWire is well experienced in conducting many different types of marketing research, including all types of Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer research studies, advertising effectiveness, marketing effectiveness, market segmentation, positioning and more.
We are also a professionally managed market research agency providing market research, direct marketing, surveys, consumer research, International Research, Corporate Interviewing, Door to Door Interviewing, Telephonic Interviewing, Web Interviewing, data collection & research, Data Entry & Processing, Market Analysis, Product Promotion Services to leading & reputed organizations in India and abroad also. No business sector or industry is beyond our reach.
Globe InfoWire can help you design and execute the best marketing survey possible, taking into consideration which aspects of your marketing efforts are being measured, available contact information, market segment, market size and structure, available budget, etc.
Globe InfoWire offers Online Market Survey solutions to organizations globally to derive quick and cost efficient insights into their markets through their consumers. Companies today are increasingly using the medium of data collection to derive insights from their consumers to gain market and mind share.
Social media take on many different forms, including Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wikis, podcasts, photographs or pictures, video, rating and social bookmarking.
In addition to news monitoring, we also run a full-fledged programme on social media monitoring, tracking corporate and brand mentions in blogs, message boards, online forums, Usenet news groups and other online social media sites. In addition, a fully-integrated media monitoring program also tracks online video sharing sites such as YouTube and micro-blogging services such as Twitter.
We allow our users to monitor the rapidly evolving and rarely regulated social network scene for abusive or fake material and cyber-squatting. In addition, we can monitor, track and report back on what’s been said about you, your company, your brands and products across the ever increasing number of social networks.
Sites like Myspace, Youtube and more recently Facebook are becoming very effective at spreading communications, good or bad at an exponential rate. This needs monitoring closely and on an ongoing basis. Gossip spreads quickly and you need to be aware of the positive and negative buzz being created about your business. In addition it’s important to understand how your competition is doing and how you are rated against your competitors.
Social network monitoring with us allows you to monitor all aspects of your business, customers and competition on the social networks so you can see what's happening on the horizon and predict emerging trends as well as deal with potentially major issues before they reach a critically damaging stage.
Our media monitoring programs also monitor key competitors to benchmark reputation, share of media, and comparative success of the media relations programs.
Our programme tracks news on your company, your competitor’s trends and legislative norms in the industry your organization operates in. Our team can keep track of unlimited keywords on the online media.
We provide near-real time competitor tracking and monitoring of online competitors in order to protect your brand, reputation or simply maintain a competitive edge.
Competitor monitoring is a vitally important business process which increases understanding of how customers view your products and services alongside those of your competition. By monitoring your competitors you are not only protecting your existing business, but also creating opportunities to take advantage of your competitors’ weaknesses. Ongoing tracking of competitor products for example will alert you to their strengths and weaknesses making it easier for you to position your products and services.
The ever increasing quantity and speed of communications online make it easier for competitors, or in fact anyone, to make comments good or bad, true or not, about your company, products and services.
We can monitor what’s been said and how frequently online including:
To remain always on the top of the information mountain and informed, our clients use our SMS alert services. We provide SMS alerts on breaking news on the client-specified verticals and categories. These SMSs contain the URL links of the relevant tenders or news pieces of interest.
To learn more about the breadth and depth of our services, you can simply Contact us.